Piggy and I are both cat lovers (though I think it’s safe to say she’s more so), so doing a chapter about the Seven family’s pet cats was pretty natural. I’d already introduced Gabriel, but I renamed him Kumo in the new version. Yuki meanwhile was kind of a hybrid of my cat and piggy’s. This particular comic is based on when we first got the new cat at my house, and the old cat kind of freaked out about it.
Continue reading New Neko Machi Chapter 5: Kitties
All posts by nekoewen
New Neko Machi Chapter 4: Artistic Inclinations
New Neko Machi Chapter 3: School Days
This chapter is kind of a general collection of random strips about school life. I do actually like stepping on dry leaves to hear them crunch. Also those tiny little pine cones.
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New Neko Machi Chapter 2: Mega-Neko
For some reason I also decided that Kitty should start wearing glasses, and would be the sort that pulls them out when she needs them. (There’s a pun because “megane” means glasses in Japanese.)
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New Neko Machi Chapter 1: Transitions
So here we are with the second incarnation of Neko Machi. I could write a whole giant essay on the whole thing and how I feel about it. C. Ellis (a.k.a. Piggy) mentioned that she was interested in finding someone to do a comic with, and I’d been looking to find an artist to continue the comic. I’m really glad we got to do a project together–she’s a great friend and an amazing artist–but I also really wish I could’ve been a better writer and generally come up with something more worthy of her talents. In any case, I started off with the same first chapter that Kingsley had attempted to do, and in hindsight I really should’ve rewritten it a bit first, but… yeah.
Continue reading New Neko Machi Chapter 1: Transitions
Old Neko Machi Gallery
Old Neko Machi Chapter 24: Attempted Relaunch
Kingsley and I made an attempt at relaunching the comic before pretty much throwing in the towel. So yeah.
Continue reading Old Neko Machi Chapter 24: Attempted Relaunch
Old Neko Machi Chapter 23: Yep. Randomness.
Before too long I went back to doing comics by myself, though this time it was much more stream of consciousness randomness even than before. Still, there was a lot of stuff I liked here.
Continue reading Old Neko Machi Chapter 23: Yep. Randomness.
Old Neko Machi Chapter 22: The Mercmobile Chronicles
This was where Kingsley again ended up too busy to draw comics partway through. Le sigh. The name of storyline came from Tama/Alan’s car, an old Lincoln Mercury (I think?) in which we had many adventures, what with it being the first car anyone in my circle of friends had to themselves. (In contrast, I got a car this past November.)
Continue reading Old Neko Machi Chapter 22: The Mercmobile Chronicles
Old Neko Machi Chapter 21: AnimeCon
I’d had the idea for a chapter about the characters going to an anime convention for ages. It’s one of those things where I have a distinct set of experiences that no one else has ever really even tried to capture. I have a whole thing about stories about going to conventions. This chapter wound up being really long, and also Kingsley wound up taking up the role of artist right in the middle.
Continue reading Old Neko Machi Chapter 21: AnimeCon