This chapter is kind of a general collection of random strips about school life. I do actually like stepping on dry leaves to hear them crunch. Also those tiny little pine cones.
I don’t know if this one came out well (writing scripts for effectively communicating stuff visually was something I struggled with throughout this endeavor), but Suichi both loves the rain and recovers from colds and such with blinding speed. (Also, note the Melanie plushie!)
These are all things that real Japanese teachers have used in classes, albeit across three or four classes taken by me and various friends. Of course, Japan is big on this kind of cornball dad humor.
This did actually happen to me in class once, albeit in a graduate level Japanese class.
At San Jose City College they had an “Intro to Computers” class, which for some reason they made not only required, but something you couldn’t actually test out of or otherwise get around. They did cover some stuff that was sort of interesting and even a little challenging for me (I’m not so mathematically-inclined as to be able to do hexadecimal conversions with ease), but a lot of it was painfully basic stuff with using Windows and Office. Michael/Snowball got frustrated and gave up. I made it through the class, but suffice to say I got a lot of reading done.
And yes, the professor really did do this.
An actual sign I saw at the SJCC student union once.