Yep. Time for some more Tales of Retail. Later it would be more like “Tales of Tech Support,” which is somewhat better. Partway through this chapter (1) Kingsley started coloring the comics and (2) I started inking them, both of which made them look a lot better.
I hadn’t actually intended for this to be part of the chapter, but I had handed it to Kingsley and he went to town. This and the one after were inspired by Conan O’Brien’s old “satellite TV” bit, which was kind of amazing.
This was where Kingsley went totally nuts vectorizing as well as coloring the comics. The results were amazing, but needless to say he couldn’t really keep it up.
Bonus Stuff
People shoving fliers in my face on campus got to be a pet peeve of mine after a while. I never actually did this though.
For whatever reason my caricature of myself looked like this at the time.
Kingsley made this while messing around in Photoshop.